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  • #203979

    Hello! I just purchased and loaded the Enfold theme. But even after reviewing the PSD files and different slider types for the home page feature image area, it is not apparent to me as to what the best size/dimension my images should be so they can be properly SEEN.

    I am using the Fullscreen Slider on the home page within your page builder widget. I built this image at 1500px wide by 350px tall and I have “No Scaling” chosen as the Slideshow Image Size type (and I’ve tried the other two options as well).

    However, this feature image is SUPER huge and the “subject” of my feature image is completely off screen.

    What am I doing wrong? Is there a different/better size my feature images should be?

    Please advise.
    NOTE: Slide image in question is the “We Offer Career Services” slide.

    Thanks, in advance, for your help! This is driving me NUTS! :)


    Hey laurendevine!

    As you can on the demo here:

    The images use for the Fullscreen Slider is 1500x1500px in size.

    Best regards,


    Hey there!
    Actually, I’m more interested in the feature area slider on THIS demo:
    (Home v1 Landing Page Style).

    How can I achieve this slider size and look? I’m not interested in all the moving parts…just the image and the SIZE of the image. Please advise on slider type and settings in order to achieve this look AND what my image size/dimensions need to be.




    The slider use for the Landing Page Style demo is the LayerSlider plugin which is natively included with the theme. You can Import the dummy data to check the example slider. The background image dimension is 1700x470px. This is an example of the background image use:

    Watch this video to learn more about the LayerSlider:


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