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  • #362098

    Good morning, I have a site with the theme enfold, and realized a few insertions of codes on my theme, in the form I inserted a code for when someone call me back form on a worksheet of wordpress, it was working perfectly until this new update, when the enfold updated he disappeared with everything that I had done, the programming was removed, the layout was changed, as I don’t use header or a logo, the logo of enfold resurfaced the div were with a very large margin, I lost everything I had done.

    I wonder if I have to do a restore from a few weeks to get back to normal.


    Hi elcamilo!

    Please contact your service provider and ask if they have the back up from few weeks ago

    Best regards,


    I checked with them, and they don’t have it, and noticed that it didn’t just happen to me, but with more people. What could have happened, I need my site back to the way it was. all the codes that I inserted are there, but are not working after upgrading from enfold.



    What kind of changes were made? Custom CSS changes? If that is the case, please post a temporary admin login here privately.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Unfortunately this kind of requests are beyond the scope of the support we can offer. Please try contacting a developer from Envato Studio or Codeable.

    Best regards,

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