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    I have embedded video on my background home page and my client is saying they have to hit refresh to see it work, I noticed this when I opened the page in a private browser. Is there something I can do to make it so Vimeo embedded videos dont have this hicup?

    I tried uploading the video to the server and it worked on chrome but safari gave an “unsupported file type” error –

    So now I’m back to Vimeo but the page needs to be refreshed to see it. Has anyone run into this issue?

    link to site –



    Hey schwabino,
    It seems that Chrome and Edge on Windows is blocking the playing of Vimeo videos.
    In my test with Windows in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, & Brave in a color section with a background video on desktop,
    all browsers play the example YouTube link, and only Brave & Firefox play the example Vimeo link.
    So Chrome, Edge, & Brave all use chromium as their engine and since Brave will play the Vimeo video I would say that Chrome & Edge are blocking Vimeo.
    Since all of them play YouTube, it doesn’t seem that it is a theme or element issue and I don’t see that there is anything that the theme can do to make the browsers play a Vimeo video.
    So my recommendation is to use YouTube.

    Best regards,

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    I didn’t see the YouTube watermark, but your other option is to upload the video to your site and host it yourself.

    Best regards,

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    I see, unfortunately, I don’t have access to Safari today as I’m on Windows, please review the “unsupported file type” error that you got from Safari and change to a file type that is supported by Safari.
    When I check the video on Windows it looks like it is a mp4, according to this article the video could be in a malformed codec and you should try converting it to a proper mp4.
    In my experience Safari typically plays mp4

    Best regards,

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    Sorry, I’m not recommending the app, I’m recommending that you try converting it to ensure it is correct, in my experience Safari typically plays mp4 so the error must be pointing to an error in the video.

    Best regards,

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