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  • #1356191

    Is there a way to keep Avia dynamic links from showing up in reports? We have a client who is working through fixing links and the /uploads/avia_posts_css folder keeps showing up with various post ilnks. We do have Yoast premium installed on the website and it is already set to keep Avia Framework from showing up in search results. However, the dynamic links keep showing up in the broken links reports. An example for this website has been added in private content. Thanks.


    Hey GWS,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Have you tried excluding the /uploads/avia_posts_css folder from search? This can be done via robots.txt file.


    There is also the option to disable the posts css files completely using this filter in the functions.php file.

    function custom_avf_post_css_create_file( $create ) {
    	return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_post_css_create_file', 'custom_avf_post_css_create_file', 10, 1 );

    This will prevent the theme from generating dedicated stylesheets for each posts and pages, and add the custom styles inline.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the suggestions. We will give it try. Please consider this ticket closed.



    Thanks for the update, I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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