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  • #1242008


    The Avia Layout Builder is completely not functional on one of my sites. Via SFTP I have removed and re-installed the theme and that has had no affect. It still is completely unresponsive — making it so the theme is not usable.
    Please help. Any suggestions would be massively appreciated.

    Thank you,

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by dnweil. Reason: UPDATED PASSWORD

    Hey dnweil,

    Can you please make that account admin? We cannot see anything like this.

    Also, please have a look at the following article:

    Best regards,


    Of course! My apologies!!!



    Update: I installed the plugin suggested above, and I’m not yet seeing any difference. The layout builder is not working yet.


    Hi dnweil,

    Please use a child theme, you can download it here:
    Instructions on how to use it can also be found on the link.
    Then try adding this code in functions.php of the child theme:

    function avia_builder_fix() {
    	echo '<style>
    	  #avia_builder {
    		float: none;
    add_action('admin_head', 'avia_builder_fix', 99);

    Best regards,

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