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  • #1222970

    WordPress 5.4.2 | Enfold 4.7.5 | All plugins disabled | PHP 7.2 | Memory Limit 256mb | Cache cleared | Browser F5

    Layout Builder not working in PAGES (it does in posts).


    Hey alquadrat,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Here you have!



    Thanks for that. I checked the first 3 pages in the pages list, but I could only reproduce the problem on one of them. Please see private. Is this only happening on some pages? Please enable debug mode so that we can copy the shortcodes to a test page: We can do it for you if you give us permission to do so.

    Best regards,


    The 2 first pages on the list are not built with Advanced Layout Builder…. I tried the others pages built with Advanced Layout Builder and any of them is loading. You have permision to enable debug mode




    the same here.

    if(isset($avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’])) return;

    no match for this line in functions-enfold.php or functions.php.
    so how can i enable debug_mode?

    bis dann, marco.


    yes you can


    but how?


    Hi alquadrat,

    Please share FTP login details with us as well, your installation won’t accept changes to the functions.php file:

    Alguna cosa ha anat malament. El canvi no s’ha pogut guardar. Torneu-ho a provar de nou. També és possible que necessiteu arreglar-ho manualment i pujar el fitxer per FTP.

    Best regards,


    Hi netztaucher,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site. The code you are referring to starts on line 17 in functions.php if you don’t have a child theme installed.

    Best regards,


    Acces to cpanel


    Hi alquadrat,

    Thanks for that, I’m not sure how to access your cpanel though? It would be better if you simply shared FTP login details with us, we don’t really need access to your cpanel interface.

    Best regards,


    Here it is!



    Thanks for that. The login details work, but the folder I end up in is empty and there is no way to navigate anywhere?

    Best regards,

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