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  • #787520


    i have a Avia layout made up with three columns, i made some changes and pressed update and when the page refreshed the three columns had merged into two. The front end seems to be okay but its making it a night mare to edit the page. i have refreshed many times but it persists. See screenshots in the private section. It did have all the logos down the left column and all the contact forms on the right column, now they are all in the centre column. i have tried dragging all the elements around to fix it but they have all reverted back to this 2 column layout.

    Any ideas?


    Hey w_archer,

    Thanks for the screenshots. Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi sorry for the late reply, i was having internet troubles an apparently my response didn’t go through. See private content for login details

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Rikard. Reason: Login URL


    Thanks for that, on what page are you having this problem? Please link directly to it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the reply!



    Thanks for that, your backend seems to reflect the frontend though. I’m guessing that you want another 1/4 column to the right of the 1/2? Could you try simply adding that element and drag the content you want into it?

    Best regards,



    Yes thats the problem, i can recreate the other 1/4 column and drag the relevant content over, but when i update the page it all goes back to the layout you are currently seeing. So the next time i update the page i have to create the column again etc.



    Ok, thanks for that. Something seems to be breaking the builder in your content, it looks to be the third element on the page (the blue icons). Could you try to recreate the page to see what is causing the problem maybe?

    Best regards,



    Yes you are right, i made a new test page and as soon as i added the blue icons from the template the whole layout broke. I noticed when i selected the text box to edit the icons that the element was empty, it just had the placeholder text instead of the icons. So it seems like the template was somehow damaged. I have remade the template and it seems to be working okay now, however im still not sure why it broke in the first place. Hopefully it won’t happen again as i start to rebuild the page.



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback :-)

    I got the same problem when I opened that text block with the icons, how did you add them?

    Best regards,


    I just used the add media button in the text area. I think i added some css to make them line up properly, but nothing weird that could have broken the whole column.



    Hm, that doesn’t sound like it should break the layout builder. But you have rebuilt the page and it’s working now, right?

    Best regards,


    Yep i just rebuilt the whole page and its working fine. All good.

    Thanks for your help.



    Glad to hear that it’s all good. Thanks for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,



    Sorry but it has happened again on a new page. This time the page is not using the blue icons. What could be causing this issue? i need to get this website finished soon but i have spent most of my time remaking pages! See private content for the page in question.

    i have already tried remaking the last column and dragging the contents in again but the moment i save it it breaks again.



    Hi w_archer,

    I am not seeing any issues, could you point exactly where the problem is? Or you got it fixed already?

    Best regards,



    No the problem is definitely not fixed. The last Avis layout builder column has collapsed into the column next to it. Just like before. It’s supposed to look like the product above it.


    Hi w_archer,

    Could you activate Advanced Layout Builder debug mode so that we can have a look the shortcodes generated.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for your quick response. I have activated the debug mode.



    I have checked your site, I’m not really sure why this happens, but I’ve duplicated the page (link in Private Content) and the last Text Block in the 1/2 column (last), if you try to edit it, it will show empty, what I did was to remove it and create a new one, then moved the 1/4 to the last column and that fixed the problem.

    Best regards,



    Okay i got that page working again. I just hope that it won’t keep happening. The only thing i can think of that may cause this is that i have given each column a css class and given them these attributes: However if they work initially then i don’t know why it would break during seemingly random edits.

    .product-custom-thumb {
    margin: 0px !important;
    width: 24%; }

    .product-list-price-col {
    width: 24% !important;
    left-padding: 0px;
    right-padding: 0px; }

    .product-list-half {
    max-width: 90% !important;
    margin-left: 20px !important;
    margin-right: 0px !important; }



    Yes, I see those classes and have added it since you have modified their widths and spaces. And I don’t think that caused the issue, since I also used it, but I’m just curious why the Text Block was empty when attempting to modify while it’s all good when it’s placed in the builder. Probably it’s just a bug but it’s the first time I see that issue :(

    Best regards,

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