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  • #1244697

    Hi there,
    I have a curious problem I hope you can help us with. We have a live site https://doorstoreandwindows.com/ that is all up to date (just updated all plugins and the theme is Enfold, cleared cache, etc) and the Avia layout builder does not load on the page.) I followed your debugging suggestions and wasn’t able to get it running, so I set up a clone of the site on the same host account (we use this to test updates before deploying) and it is not served via https, this is the only difference between the two sites, and the Avia builder is loading fine on the clone site: http://dev.doorstoreandwindows.com/

    Do you have any suggestions for how to get the builder working on the site with a security certificate?

    Thank you!


    Hey qtheagency,

    Thanks for giving us admin access to both.
    Your live site is giving this error via admin-ajax:

    HTTP 502 — Unable to Connect to the Origin Server

    I think it can be resolved by following Godaddy’s instruction in this article: https://au.godaddy.com/help/502-unable-to-connect-to-origin-server-27382
    Let us know if it helps.

    Best regards,

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