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  • #784247

    My site has been broken almost since the moment that I bought it. The header image on the homepage won’t load, the content at the bottom of the page won’t load and Avia Builder won’t load when I try to do anything to my pages.

    Yesterday I updated to the latest version of WordPress and updated my theme to the latest version to see if this would help. Neither helped. I’ve tried disabling plugins and that didn’t do anything either.

    I already have several pages built on this site and I don’t want to start over from scratch.

    Any ideas? My site is


    @racedo chnces are your plugin workhorse-by-dexblog is causing the issues. Disable that plugin and test again.



    Thanks for the login details. Did you try the recommendations by @mensmaximus? If that was not the case then please try updating the theme to the latest version (4.0.5) to see if that helps:

    Best regards,


    Thanks @rikard for your reply. I tried following @mensmaximus advice but it didn’t work. Then I also tried updating the theme to the latest version, but this didn’t help either. Any other suggestions? I don’t want to lose my site because I’ve put a lot of work into it, but it seems that I can’t do anything with it either now.



    @racedo just do it in the correct order.

    1. Update Theme
    2. Apply my patch
    3. Deactivate the plugin workhorse-by-dexblog



    Your version of the theme is still old, current version is 4.0.5 and you are running 3.8.5. Did you try updating manually via FTP?

    Best regards,


    @rikard I tried uploading the latest version via FTP. This was successful in updating the theme. The workhorse plugin has been disabled (it was disabled before the update). The Avia builder is still broken and I cannot build or edit pages.

    Any other advice?


    Hi @racedo,

    May you disable all the plugins and check if the problem was solved?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi @johntorvik I went ahead and tried this. No luck :(



    Hi Erick,

    I can see that you have updated to the latest version and the Layout Builder is working as it should on my end, could you verify on your end please? If you can’t get it to work then please clear your browser cache and reload a few times or try a different browser.

    Best regards,


    Hi @rikard. I tried clearing my cache and I tried Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. On all of these I simply get the spinning loading graphic where my content should be in the Avia builder. It just keeps spinning, never revealing the area where I build my pages. I’m not sure why this is only happening for me.



    It’s working as it should on my end. I created a test page, please see private. Could you try a different computer maybe? Preferably outside of the network you are currently in.

    Best regards,


    Thanks @rikard. I can see that the pages can be built and edited. It seems that only the homepage cannot be edited. This is where the problem is. Any ideas on this?


    I am having the exact same issue, I can edit other pages, but I can’t edit the homepage as the layout builder simply doesn’t load the content. I’ve created an own topic and provided credentials to my wordpress installation as well.



    You can enable the WP_DEBUG to see if there`s some warning. You can follow this article:

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Unfortunately I don’t understand most of that :( This is beginning to look very grim for me.


    Hi racedo,

    Which php are you running?
    I saw in response header that it’s php 5.4, it this is the case you need to upgrade your php. It should be at least 5.6, but 7.0 better.

    Best regards,

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