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  • #944588


    I am looking for a way to ease up my photography blog.
    I noticed the following:
    – when you use the layout builder in a blog post, you lose some blogging functionalities like categories and comments etc.
    – when you do not use the layout builder in a blog post, you can still use some shortcodes like av_masonry_gallery. But as it is displayed as shortcode in the editor, it is difficult to change something (you have to know the parameters and values, or redo the gallery) and images are listed by id in the shortcode

    Is there a way to either:
    – attach the images to the post, and let them be automatically displayed ? (like the featured image) and like it is done in the https://wordpress.org/plugins/photography-portfolio/ (i prefer not to use another plugin in order to keep the site as light as possible, and it does not have as much choices for changing the display of the gallery)
    – make the shortcode easily editable through the standard editor (for adding an image for example)
    – change the default values of the shortcode, so that it is easier to add one and keep consistancy

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey Sara,

    The second 2 are not possible not at least with an easy way.
    The first one, is possible by a plugin. But it would still require shortcodes and do add them to the post.

    Best regards,


    what plugin would that be?



    Not sure, you would need to search for that and if cant find something, maybe consider to hire someone to help you out with that.

    Best regards,

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