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  • #1210997

    When I view one of my pages on a mobile screen, the height & line-height for (I believe) the av-logo-container is set to something really large, like 621px. Specifically, I can see that the responsive height is being overridden by a height/line-height set at The result is that the logo looks normal but there is a lot of empty space before the first element is visible, i.e. the user has to scroll down.

    I’ve narrowed the cause of the issue down to a script I have in a plugin I’m creating. The script passes a php $var to javascript and looks like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	var my_var = <?php echo json_encode($my_var, JSON_HEX_TAG); ?>;

    When I comment out this script, the issue goes away.

    The layout looks normal on larger screens (tablet/desktop etc), and I can see that on these larger screens matches the responsive height. This only seems to be a problem on small mobile sized screens.

    Does anyone know why a script like this would cause this problem?


    Having looked into this a bit more, it seems the script is somehow interfering with the following:


    When the script above is commented out, this CSS sets the height to about 80px which is what I would expect, but when the script is active it sets the height to 600+px


    Hi swibbycreations,

    I think that’s a custom code added, most likely in your Quick CSS (Enfold > General Styling).
    If you can’t find where it is, please try to disable CSS file merging and compression in Enfold > Performance?
    Then you should be able to see which css file it belongs.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko

    I disabled CSS file merging, and the CSS code from my screenshot is coming from:
    It’s not custom CSS that I added.

    Any idea why the javascript from my first post would mess with this?


    Hi swibbycreations,

    I apologize for that, you are actually right about that.
    Can you give us a link to the page mentioned? so we can try to check on it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko

    Apols for the delayed response. I was able to eliminate the issue by adding the following CSS to style.css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
        #header #header_main .container {
             height: 80px!important;

    I still couldn’t say why my script caused the issue in the first place, but this CSS effectively solves the problem so I think I’m fine for now.


    Hi swibbycreations,

    I’m glad to hear that you were able to fix it.
    To be honest I don’t really see any issue with your code or even as I inspected further on height: auto!important that would cause any issue but anyway, I’m glad that it’s all good now with a bit of CSS :)

    Best regards,

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