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  • #1201287

    Good day. I wonder if it is possible to change the color of the text in the main menu on the desktop version, so that when the background is white the text is black and the background is black so that the text is white?


    Hey petsrdjan,

    I’m only seeing the menu displaying on the header.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Changing that menu I thought, maybe I didn’t explain it nicely. Sorry :)
    As you can see some of the photos are dark, so I can see menu. Is it possible for the menu to adjust itself to the background and turn white when the background changes to dark?
    In private content I send you a link to a site where I saw something similar. When they enter a blog, for example, the menu changes to black because the background is white. I would be happy with something like that if possible, if it can’t change its automatically it should be white on the home page and black on the other pages. I may be asking for too much, but if something like that is possible I would be very grateful.



    Thanks for the example site, but I can’t see a slider there, and no changing text? If you are looking to have different colours in the menu depending on if the header is transparent or not then you can select to have a sticky header in the theme options, and you can select to have it transparent in the Layout menu on the page in question. You can set the colour of the transparent state under Enfold->Header->Transparency Options.

    Best regards,


    I really don’t get it how you don’t understand what I mean?
    If I set the transparency menu color white in header “Enfold->Header->Transparency Options.” , white color will be also on all other pages, but I don’t want that. Because I have a white background on all other pages.
    So I need it to be white on the home page and black on the all other pages.



    Thanks for the update. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .home .main_menu .avia-menu-text {
      color: white !important;

    Best regards,


    That’s it, I made it. Thank you very much. :)



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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