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  • #498234

    Hi Guys,

    Apologies for the essay, but need to give you as much info as possible.

    I’m having issues with the forms on a clients website http://www.futuresset.uk we are running latest wordpress with the theme Enfold.

    We have two forms using the built in contact form (one general contact, one for groupon customers) and a booking form using the wp plugin Bookly.

    Whenever we send a test mail through any form the mail sent by the customer is received in the respective inbox however, the auto response email sent from the webste back to the customer with confirmation details is sent but never received.

    We have:

    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the appointments booking – Bookly.
    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the contact form on the contact page – built in form.
    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the contact form on the groupon page – built in form.

    All send and receive email normally, all receive mail from the website forms, none send auto response or it sends but isn’t received.

    I have contacted the bookly plugin author and we went through a few things to no avail, switched email sending from html to text etc…no joy



    I recently bought your plugin – Item Purchase Code: **************** to use on a clients site http://www.futuresset.uk/make-an-appointment

    Everything seems to be working correctly apart from when I book a test appointment, I don’t receive the email confirmation. The correct service provider (solicitor) is receiving the mail though?

    I have checked all email addresses manually, all working to send/receive.

    I have set the sent email address to be (Email address hidden if logged out)

    The site is pretty much ready to go live, we were just checking everything and came across this issue…can you shed any light?


    I have installed easy wp smtp and tried wp smtp too as a work around however the solution is not ideal as if anyone checks the sender they will see the confirmation now coming from (Email address hidden if logged out) instead of (Email address hidden if logged out) is there a way around this??? Really hope you can help out here! ha.

    I setup the plugin using Google’s STMP settings as when the hosts detail were entered it displayed an error and would not send mail…suspect this could be a firewall issue on the server?

    We are using Enfold theme, the support there is where i found the SMTP solution…thing is we have two mail addresses that are not sending and the fix is working for only the booking form…the contact form is currently not sending confirmation emails either…may have to install contactform7 for that one.

    Looks like the hosts are the next on the list to contact.


    Hello Ric,

    By default Bookly is attempting to send emails as HTML, but some mail servers do work in this mode properly so we’ve added an option to Bookly->Email notifications that allows to switch the message format between HTML and text http://awesomescreenshot.com/02b57c0p7b .
    Also you can try to define sender’s mail there ( 2 rows above ).


    Hi Valdimir,

    Thanks for the reply,

    I have just tried the “text” setting, with sender mail set as (Email address hidden if logged out) and the only way it will send a confirmation is if the easy wp smtp plugin is active…so this is pointing me to either a theme or host issue as things seem too be working with your plugin.

    We have Wordfence installed which sends out regular mails without problem.

    The SMTP plugin workaround sends mail from the same address for the two contact forms (General and Groupon) and the booking form so this not a feasible solution as it defeats the object of being able to have two contact forms.

    Any other info suggestions would be great?


    So from here, went to the support docs on the forum here and tried the 5 steps

    The only one to kinda work was the SMTP plugin so I contacted the hosts with the below mail:




    I’m having issues with the forms on our website http://www.futuresset.uk we are running latest wordpress with the theme Enfold from themeforest.

    We have two forms (one general contact, one for groupon customers) and a booking form using the wp plugin Bookly.

    Whenever we send a test mail through any form the mail sent by the customer is received in the respective inbox however, the auto response email sent from the webste back to the customer with confirmation details is sent but never received.

    We have:

    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the appointments booking
    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the contact form on the contact page
    (Email address hidden if logged out) set for the contact form on the groupon page

    All send and receive email normally, all receive mail from the website forms, none send auto response

    I have contacted the bookly plugin author and we went through a few things to no avail, switched email sending from html to text…no joy

    Then went to the theme author, they have docs on this issue, we have tried all steps there.

    Step 5 kinda worked however only went we entered google SMTP details, this then creates another problem of all mails coming from a google account (Email address hidden if logged out) (set up for testing purposes) which is not what we want

    When using 123 reg details it throws up a connection error suggesting the username and/or password is incorrect when we know this not to be true.

    As said though, this is not a viable option as then all emails from the website would come from one email address with the way the plugin works…unless there is a way to use all three emails as we need?

    We have also logged out of the wp admin and tried clicking the link “lost password” entering both the email address and username associated with the admin account on separate occasions and we aren’t receiving the password reset email either?

    Is there something preventing the mail from being sent on the server?

    So just to recap..its the mail that is supposed to be sent after the customer submits their message/booking that is not being sent/received by the customer.

    However having said all this we have a plugin “Wordfence” security plugin that sends regular email reports and notifications without any problems…so a bit stumped on this one.

    Hope you can shed some light on this as the site really needs to go live asap.


    Thank you for contacting 123-reg on the 2nd September 2015.
    I’m afraid that as all other emails are being sent and received through the hosting package without any issues, the problem with the confirmation email is not likely related to the hosting package and is a scripting issue.
    Please note that scripting is outside our area of expertise and I would kindly recommend contacting a web developer regarding this issue.

    If we can be of any further help with regard to this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


    So because I’ve told the hosts that the mail is sending correctly away from the site, they have pretty much said that the problem is not with them and is a scripting problem. However the “lost password” email isn’t being received either

    So here I am, I have deactivated Enfold and used 2015theme…still the issue is there.

    Really hope someone can help out with this…thanks for your time in reading the above.

    Best regards



    Hi Ric!

    if you have the same issue with a default WordPress theme (2015 theme) then we know that it’s 100% not a theme related issue. Plugin’s author needs to fix the issue for you.


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