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  • #873875

    Hi Enfold,

    I am in the process of developing our site and have a specific request from one of the directors.

    Now this request is a little complicated to explain so bear with me…

    When using portfolio grid, there is the option to use sorting options. This allows the tiles below to be sorted by category without refreshing the page.

    What we want to do is replicate that functionality of not refreshing the page as the sorting options offer, but also be able to provide a summary paragraph for each category. Ideally this would be part of the top image slider.

    Can you let me know if this is at all possible?


    Hey realisedesign,

    You can do that, as long as the option exists on categories.
    To do that although would require to make it with a lot of coding, into the shortcode ( shortcode can also be loaded from child theme )

    Best regards,

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