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  • #905691

    I added Animated Numbers to my website, and the description is not centered for one of them (1,000,000+ – Number of Subsidized Units Managed). It looks fine on my phone, but it’s not centered on my desktop and laptop. I tried adding CSS but nothing worked. Can someone please help me align the text?
    Thanks in advance!


    Hey ggagnon,
    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 989px) { 
    .avia-animated-number.avia-builder-el-13 .heading.avia-animated-number-title {
    left: -11% !important; 

    adjust to suit.

    Best regards,


    Worked like a charm! Thanks so much for your help!



    Glad we could help, we will close this now. Thanks for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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