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  • #764055


    I have a couple related questions regarding animated countdowns.

    1. Is there a way to add the Enfold Animated Numbers widget to a page and have it be a reoccurring event like weekly or monthly?
    As an example I have an event that is every Wednesday from 4:30-11pm and now I have to reset the counter each time.
    I would love to be able to do this inside Enfold without a 3rd party app like The Events Calendar.

    2. In a related question I have the Events Calendar with Enfold on a couple sites and I noticed that the generated Events Countdown inside the Advanced Layout Editor under Plugin Additions does not have a way to select an event. The default of the next Upcoming Event is great, but it would be helpful if you could call a specific event if embedding on the site.




    Hey Jon!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) This is possible but it will require a certain kind of modification that we won’t be able to provide here. Please use the Events Calendar plugin if you want the countdown to automatically refresh on recurring events.

    2.) That’s a good idea. Unfortunately, it’s not possible because of the way the current script is laid out. The script is set to fetch only the nearest or latest upcoming event and nothing else. Again, this will require a custom modification that we won’t be able to provide here. If you want, you can create your own element or shortcode.


    Best regards,



    Sounds good.
    I will work on a short code method pulling from the slugs inside The Events Calendar for now and will check future Enfold updates for additional countdown features.




    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Feel free to let us know if there is anything else we can do for you by creating a new ticket.

    Thanks a lot


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