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  • #846530

    Well, I’m stumped. Links to section headings behave inconsistently. Sometimes the section heading shows. Sometimes it doesn’t (it hides under the header). I have tried this on large and small devices, and in portrait and landscape orientations, and I can’t find a pattern.

    My page is divided into sections. Each section starts with a Color Section with its own Developer Section ID. Inside there is simply a Special Heading. Following the Color Section is a Fullscreen Slider.

    –fullscreen slider

    –fullscreen slider

    –fullscreen slider

    Links to these sections look like this:

    Any suggestions so that the heading is always visible?


    Hey hanshenningsen,

    Would you mind providing us with login credentials so we can take a closer look? To do this, you can make a post with the following info:

    – Link to your site
    – WordPress Admin username / password
    – FTP credentials

    Don’t forget to select Set as private reply. This ensures your information is only visible to our staff.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    I just clicked the link at private area and I have been redirected properly
    Every other link there also worked just fine

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Thank you for testing. I imagine that in your testing the very last link, “Rebozo Collection”, jumped to the PHOTO, not the H2 heading. The other links jump to the H2 heading first, followed by the photo.

    Can you please test the “Rebozo Collection” button again? I think you will find that it does indeed jump to the image, not the heading.

    Thank you,



    The menu items’ url are set to “http”. Please set it to “https”. Example:


    Best regards,


    Dear Kriesi Support. I did as you asked. Thank you for pointing out that the scheme should be https rather than http, but that doesn’t solve the problem. Can we please have a single Senior Support person following this through to resolution? We keep going back to square one. The problem is that the “Rebozo Collection” link at the bottom of the home page, which links to a FRAGMENT IDENTIFIER, does not work properly. The link should take you to the TOP OF THE SECTION. Instead it takes you to the image. I will provide my phone number below in the Private Content section so that someone can call me. We can resolve this very quickly with a phone call rather than going in circles with support ticket. Thanks.



    The link should take you to the TOP OF THE SECTION. Instead it takes you to the image.

    It does takes me to the top of the section. On what browser are you testing this? I noticed that the anchor link and the actual page url where it links to is different. Why is that?

    Anchor link:

    Actual page:

    Best regards,


    Two issues:

    1) Menu Links — The menu links were incorrect and I have repaired that so that they now correctly include their parent page. Thank you for pointing that out.

    2) Links to Sections don’t work — The links with fragment identifiers should go to the top of the corresponding Color Section. They should show the heading at the top of the Color Section, not the photo that follows. This was the original problem, and the issue is still not resolved.



    This is where the anchor links take me.


    I’m using Chrome, Windows 7. What browser are you using?

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the screenshot. When I test in Chrome, Windows 8 it works properly for me too.

    The problem occurs on Firefox 55.0.3 (32-bit), Windows 8.

    I am told the problem also occurs on devices with the Safari browser and Apple OS.

    Your thoughts? Thanks.



    I can reproduce the issue on Firefox. I tried to login to the FTP but I got the following error.

    Response: 220-#########################################################
    Response: 220-Please upload your web files to the public_html directory.
    Response: 220-Note that letters are case sensitive.
    Response: 220-#########################################################
    Response: 220 This is a private system – No anonymous login
    Command: AUTH TLS
    Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
    Error: Could not connect to server
    Status: Waiting to retry…
    Status: Resolving address of
    Status: Connecting to IP IP
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message…
    Response: 220-#########################################################
    Response: 220-Please upload your web files to the public_html directory.
    Response: 220-Note that letters are case sensitive.
    Response: 220-#########################################################
    Response: 220 This is a private system – No anonymous login
    Command: AUTH TLS
    Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
    Error: Could not connect to server

    Is the FTP lock?

    Best regards,


    Appended below are the FTP details you will need to login. Can you please try again. I tested the login and it works well. Thank you.



    It goes above the title or section if you click on the menu item directly. It doesn’t go above the section title if you put the url manually. I don’t think users will put the url manually or will be able to know the section url prior to visiting the site.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for continuing to try to understand my request, but you’re still missing the point. Again, if you want to call me, you will understand very quickly what I need.

    Here is a link to a screenshot that might explain it better:

    1. Go to the home page at
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the home page and click the “Rebozo Collection” button

    You will see (in Firefox anyway) that clicking the button takes you to the fragment identifier which SHOULD display the words at the top of the Color Section. Instead, the words appear to be hidden UNDERNEATH the top menu.

    I have included my phone number in the Private Notes section below.




    I see. I didn’t notice the buttons. The issue is quite random, sometimes it takes you to the top of section title, sometimes not. I just noticed that the site is using an old version of the theme, 4.0.5. Please upgrade to version 4.1.2. After the update, you might encounter a few issues with the header so you have to reconfigure the Header and Main Menu settings.

    Best regards,

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