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  • #516835

    Hi is it possible to anchor to the Full Screen Slider? I have added anchors to my color sections but notice there’s no developer ID option for the slider.

    I tried adding a code block above it and then setting it’s padding to 0 but it still leaves a small gap plus the active link changes for every color section but didn’t when I tried the code block.

    Many thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by Brendan.

    You could look in your source code and use the id of your slider section … something like #full_slider_1

    If you have a onepager I am wondering if your active menu items show up correctly using the full width slider? Do you mind sharing an url?


    Hmm, I did try add the slider id to the menu link but doesn’t work at all.

    All my active menu items work fine apart from the one I want to link to the full screen slider which is the second last section on the page.
    (Sorry can’t share a public link bluecafe as it’s a private client site.)


    Did you look in the source code if your slider id is really #full_slider_1? Maybe it is #full_slider_0 oder any other number. Firefox and Chrome both have tools to check the source code.


    Indeed I did, i’m fully familiar with all dev tools. In my case it’s #fullscreen_slider_0

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Brendan.


    As you already figured it out, #fullscreen_slider_0 should have worked. Are you trying to link “Welcome” menu item?
    Can you please elaborate on the changes you would like to make and create a temporary admin login and post it here privately?



    Hi Yigit,

    I want to link the “Experience” menu item to the fullscreen slider which is the second last section on the page. (#fullscreen_slider_0)

    Added login details.

    Thanks in advance!



    I turned on custom CSS field for ALB elements – kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/turn-on-custom-css-field-for-all-alb-elements/ and then gave your slider a custom class and then added following code to Functions.php file of your child theme in Appearance > Editor

    function add_custom_id(){
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_id');

    Please review your website now :)



    Hey Yigit, that seems to work great in terms of anchoring to the element.

    But the only issue I can see is the active link is the previous section. (If you click “Experience”, “Innovation” is marked as the active link.)

    Thanks in advance!



    It does seem to work fine on my end [ please see screenshot in private content field below ]
    Which OS and browser are you using?

    Best regards,


    Sorry my bad Yigit, browser was caching the old! Thanks that’s perfect, you’re a star as always!

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Brendan.


    Well, that works fine on my end as well [ screenshot in private content field ].
    Please make sure that when you load the page, it does not have #welcome in your current link.

    Edit: You are welcome! We are always happy to help :) Let us know if you have any other questions or issues


    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Yigit.
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