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  • #965336


    Ich habe alle möglichen Beiträge im forum durchgelesen aber das Problem damit nicht beheben können.
    Meine anchor links springen auf dem Handy immer an die falsche position auf meiner Startseite. Wenn mann den Close Button unter “Fakten” oben rechts klickt. z. B. Fakt 3 dann landet man ganz unten oder z. B. bei Fakt 8.

    I have read all sorts of posts in the forum but can not fix the problem.
    My anchor links on mobil always jump to the wrong position on my start page. If you click the Close button under “Facts” in the upper right corner. for example “fact 3” you end up at the bottom or somewhere else.

    Könnt ihr mir bei dem Problem helfen ? Das Wäre Super!
    Can you help me with the problem? That would be great!

    Vielen Dank und Grüße

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by JPinfact.

    Hey JPinfact,

    That menu is created with some other plugin, you might want to ask the plugin author the same question. Looks like it does not take into account the height of the fixed header when scrolling to the top.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,

    Thank you for the feedback. I’ve redesigned the site now, but I’m currently on another issue. Should I ask the question in a new thread, or maybe you can help me with it?

    Following problem:
    When I install a layerslider, other elements in color sections no longer appear. (Mobile view)

    Do you have an idea why this may be?

    Thank you very much and greetings



    Thanks for the update. Where can we see this issue? Please create a test page. Make sure that the site is running on the latest version of the theme, 4.4.1.

    Best regards,

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