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  • #27962

    I love this theme. I’ve been raving about it for a while now :) Thanks very much for creating this :)

    I very much love how the Single Author, Small Preview blog layout looks. However, the full page view with the small pic in the left hand column really takes up a tremendous amount of left hand space that cannot be used for anything. On the blog LISTING page I love the format. It looks terrific, but I don’t like that view for the actual full blog POST. I would like the left hand column to not be there and just have a regular blog post. Is there any way to change how the full blog post looks WITHOUT changing the blog LISTING. I really like the blog listing in this format. I just don’t want that format applied to the actual blog post. Am I making any sense here? LOL :) Sorry for any confusion. I’m not great with changing code so I wasn’t sure where to begin with this …

    Thank you for any help.




    You can change the default layout for your blog posts to Single Author big preview image in General Settings>Blog Style. Then for your blog layout page just set the layout to whatever you had before.

    This will make your single page blog posts display at the default blog style but the blog page you set using a page and the advanced layout editors blog element display in whatever layout you want.

    That is what I do on my personal site to get the small preview layout on my home page but my picture showing on single blog posts (multi author layout set as default in general settings).



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