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  • #556182

    I just updated Enfold a moment ago and after the update I still see the advanced layout editor but all the pages display as blank in the default and advanced editor. The site is still working but I’m unable to edit anything now. Looks like new pages work fine but anything old is just blank.

    I read through some old replies on this topic and tried multiple browsers with no luck, then also tried deactivating plugins one by one without any success. Not sure what to do at this point.


    Hey zgieske!

    When I try and login it says I’m being blocked by your sucuri firewall. What version of Enfold are you using? If it’s not the latest, 3.4.7, then be sure to update. Also be sure to deactivate all plugins while testing.



    Sorry about that, I deactivated Sucuri for the time being so you can check it out. I also just tried to edit a page with every plugin disabled and it also did not work. Enfold is at the latest version, 3.4.7, and I’m using a child theme though it doesn’t contain any customizations for this install.


    I’m seeing the same thing on my site. I haven’t updated for a while, so I went from 3.3.x to 3.4.7. I don’t have any security plugins on this site. While updating, I had WP Super Cache, but I disabled that and I still have a blank editor for existing pages.



    It still says access denied. @icebergcomputers, add the login in the private content area when replying.



    I added my credentials in the private content area. I believe this is the exact same problem @zgieske is having. If not, I’ll start a new thread.

    Thank you!


    Hi @icebergcomputers,

    Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict? If that doesn’t work then you could try to overwrite the theme files with a fresh copy from your Themeforest account via FTP to see if that helps:

    Best regards,


    Hey! Welcome back from your holiday break. I just realized I hadn’t turned the Sucuri firewall off, please try to log in now. My issue does sound exactly like @icebergcomputers. I updated from 3.3.x to 3.4.7 and even after disabling all my plugins I’m unable to see any page content in either editor.

    Edit: Looks like the issue resolved itself on its own? No one has logged into the site or made any changes since my last message, but now I can see all the content in the editor. I’m assuming some initial issue with the editor communicating with the database? I both love and hate when technical problems fix themselves. Great that I don’t have to deal with it, but super disconcerting that something like that can happen and resolve itself without any understanding of what went on…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by zgieske.


    Please try flushing browser cache and refresh your page a few times –

    Best regards,


    I was able to “fix” this problem by clearing out the cache in WP Super Cache. Disabling the plugin by itself wasn’t enough. I also did the hard refresh as suggested. After that, everything magically reappeared. Good luck, @zgieske!



    Great! Glad you figured it out. Thanks for sharing your solution. We will keep the thread open to wait to hear from the OP. If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread.

    Happy holidays! :)


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