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  • #506793

    The recurring problem of Enfold has returned again, and I sigh, and continue onward.

    If i make any edit to any content on any block on my page, all of the content beneath it gets deleted.
    –If i add a letter “s” to the end of the word “Westchester”
    –If i change the background image of my text block


    What do i mean by all of the content beneath it gets deleted? Well, everything below the content blocks “Developments” and “Community.”

    What in specific gets deleted? A big area with the sidebar, and all the long text blocks that are to the left of the sidebar. Ultimately, most of the page is gone.

    I seek to have this resolved ASAP as people are visiting this website and I am “Ramshackled” by this error– which has happened over and over again in my Enfold Experience.

    Common solution? Just wait it out. Enfold un-bugs itself somehow. But, seeing as Im showing this page to my Boss tomorrow, I would like a speedy and effective solution. I might suggest you enter my website (as you probably have the right to do so) and
    1) Experience my problem 2) Fix my problem

    Best wishes,



    Hi elliotstiller,

    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. Also, on what pages are you having these problems? Please make sure you don’t have any open html tags as it tends to break the editor:

    <strong>Bold text properly closed</strong>




    I’m sorry but I’ve the same problem, some content on my page gets deleted when I wanna edit some blocks. It is generally html code with hovered image or link on text…
    I created a lot of website with Enfold and it’s the only with that problem.
    But it’s a big one, I really need to fix it.

    My website is in construction, with an acces only on IP address.
    Tell me if you wanna take a look.

    Thank you very much



    We would like to take a look so we can test things out.




    here the access.





    I’m actually not experiencing the issue on my end.

    See private area screenshots below.

    It may be a caching issue. Please clear your web cache or view the website from a different device/computer.



    How do i clear my cache?


    The private area pictures showed french contact information, no screenshots.



    It depends on your browser, try searching for “how to clear cache *name of your browser*”


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