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  • #1401046

    Hi Enfold,

    For a while, I have thought about, why there isn’t a better slider solution in ALB that keep up with the competitors.
    – Many other page builders have sliders, that is much more smooth.

    With this, I dont mean hero banner slider only. But an element as “Easy slider”could be much more smooth and nice to use for both desktop and mobile, if:

    1. We have the possibility to set max-height for the element and let images object-fit: cover; the element
    2. We were able to slide images with mouse drag on desktop and swipe on mobile
    3. The animation/transition were possible to change, so we had more options for differentiate each slider
    4. We could set responsive height for desktop, tablet and mobile
    5. We could set the slider to cut the first and last image in half, to show the user, that the slider is slide able

    There is 6 different types of sliders in ALB rwhich is very confusing. I’m aware, that these have different purpose, but 6!?
    – I would give all 6 sliders for one great slider with the function above!

    I have worked with all the greatest WP themes and page builders like Elementor, Divi, Flatsome, Avada, WP bakery etc. None of them are better than Enfold and ALB! – So this is just a frustrated fan, that really miss these features every time he build a new website with Enfold and ALB.


    Hey BenjaminSpeedtsberg,
    Thank you for your patience and your suggestions, I have summited them to the Dev Team for review.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Sounds great! I hope to see some changes in the future for these elements. :-)

    Best regards,

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