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    In my website I have a portfolio set with ajax portfolio (

    My issue is:

    I have two pages and the portfolio items and categories are the same, but when I choose 1 category it only show the portfolio items of that page, not all of them.

    What I want is that all the portfolio items of the selected category to show regardless of the page they are, specially because I´ll add a lot of more items to it.

    Is there a way to do it?

    Thank you,



    Hi Fabiana,

    You can turn off the pagination on your portfolio page as shown below




    Hi Yigit,

    Still not working, even if I turn off the pagination the way you showed me.

    Any other suggestions?




    Hi Fabiana,

    You can select the number of portfolio items to show in the ajax view with the Post number drop down.

    It will not however ever pull items from other ‘pages’. That has been requested quite a bit but so far Kriesi has not been able to find a way to do it without effecting performance very negatively.




    Hi Devin,

    Please let me know when this feature is available.

    For now, thank you for your attention.



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