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  • #24306

    Can you better describe or give an example of how this would work? I intend on using the portfolio extensively and I want to know as much as I can before diving in in a direction where maybe I should use this Ajax viewing system?



    Yes exactly – you can show the ajax preview content on the portfolio grid page. If you link to a new page the preview content won’t be displayed but the user will see the full (single entry) content on a new page.


    Thank you! this is a very interesting feature, would there possibly be a video tutorial coming, my main questions at this point are regarding the use of shortcodes specifically of layer slider in the editable section? Any restrictions there? If I dont use the main “gallery” feature will that open up the entire section to me to do what I wish with?


    1) Afaik the LayerSlider shortcode can’t be used without the Template Builder at the moment because Enfold just supports a full layout of the slider and this can conflict with the portfolio layout/preview container.

    2) I’m not sure what you mean with main “gallery” feature? You can use the text editor and the “Add Preview Images” to build the preview content. You can select a “Slideshow” or a “Gallery” layout for your images.

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