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  • #1334666

    after update of Enfold via dashboard most Enfold files are missing, website uses standard theme. There are only two folders in enfold theme folder: config-layerslider, config-relevanssi, all other files are gone.

    What to do?



    Hey Daniel,
    Try to download the newest version of enfold from your Theme Forest account and rename your current theme folder to “enfold-old” via ftp then upload the new “enfold” folder via ftp and check that your site is working correctly.
    This is the files you should see in the enfold directory:
    Once you are happy you can delete the “enfold-old” folder via ftp, (not the WP theme page)
    Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    that worked! But why did it happen that the files were gone?

    Best regards,


    Hi Daniel,

    We can’t really say why the files disappeared unfortunately. If you should have this problem again, then please share server error logs with us.

    Best regards,

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