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  • #362626

    While in Advanced Slider, we cannot dissolve/Fade items on a layers, items only seem to ‘slide’ on…

    Any suggestions would be appreciated… We’re Not sure what to tweak. Again, we don’t mean to change ‘Slide Transitions’, rather, we want to Fade-on and dissolve between ‘arriving’ layers on a Slide.
    We would prefer to dissolve/fade in, and cross dissolve between our ‘Wi-Fi survey maps’ (shown on our site). Can you help?

    Thanks in Advance.


    Hi mpt-themeforest!

    The “Duration” setting is how long the transition takes to complete. I think what your wanting to use instead is the “Show until” which will show the layer for the specified time and then transition out.

    Best regards,



    Thanks. The layer items now ‘pop’-on, rather than fade-out, fade-in.

    The ‘Fade’ switch doesn’t seem to work, on the ‘Transition’ tab of the Layer (which is within the Slide 5).

    We think we may need just basic training how to Fade-In a layer element on a given Slide.

    There was a past YouTube video tutorials on ‘Fades’, and is no longer available on YouTube.

    Any other ideas, how we may learn to add fade-in/cross-dissolves?

    Thanks for your time. We’re eager to learn!

    (Now the ‘Wi-Fi survey’ content on Slide FIVE, pops-on, and would prefer Fade-in and Fade-out.)



    Try to increase the Transition > Transition In > Duration to see the fade effect. The fade transition is not prominent when the duration is too quick. You can watch a short tutorial here but it’s quite old:


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