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  • #323155

    The Advanced Layout Editor in my theme is no longer working. I noticed this when I went to edit content in one of my portfolio items – the editor would not load. After deactivating all the plugins (we only have Akismet, Hello Dolly, bbPress, Email Address Encoder, and Jetpack installed), it still wouldn’t work. I deleted the problematic page, intending to recreate it and it now when I click on the Advanced Layout Editor button, it does nothing except for add a # to the end of the url in the web browser. Please advise.


    Hey gingarts!

    Can you post the link to your website please?
    Please make sure that you are using the latest version of Enfold 2.9.2 and WordPress 4.0 – http://vimeo.com/67209750

    Best regards,


    At long last, I was able to update to the latest version of Enfold and the Advanced Layout Editor is working again. (The FTP server on my host was down for a month, and I’ve lost a lot of hair over it).

    I still have an error with this one page. http://www.gingarts.com/artists/yaakov-bergman/. All the other pages i’ve tried to edit are fine. This page shows up fine in the Advanced Layout Editor, but isn’t generating when you try and visit it. Please advise. Thanks.



    Have you tried disabling all third-party plugins to see if it gets fixed?



    I just disabled all plugins. It’s still not working (and wouldn’t plugins interfere with all portfolio items equally, not just one one-off page?).

    You can see now that the page seems to load a little bit further (not just a white screen but gray with one of the menus showing up) but it’s still not loading the full page. Compare:

    http://www.gingarts.com/artists/yaakov-bergman/ (the problematic page)





    Can you please create me an administrator account? post it here as a private reply.



    I just deleted the page and created a new one with a different permalink. Thanks for your attention to the matter. I’ll be sure to be in touch again if it happens again but I’m hoping there was just something corrupted in that one page.


    Sure, we’ll leave this thread open.

    Best regards,

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