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  • #812969


    Is there any way to enable Advanced Layout Editor inside blog categories? I know I can use setting in theme options but this is not what I need. I would like to create “regular page” on selected category pages.

    Thank you.

    Best regards


    Hi Maciej,

    Are you trying to change the blog syle/appearance of category pages? If so, please see if this documentation does what you’re trying to do:

    Please do let us know if you need further help.

    Best regards,


    Thank you. This is not what Im trying to do. I need custom layout that I need to build. So I only need Advanced Layout Editor button available inside category page.



    I’m sorry, but you can’t modify the archive pages by using the advance layout builder. You have to modify the actual templates file in your child theme’s folder. You can edit the archive.php or tag.php file.

    Best regards,


    Ok, I know. How can I change it? Can I copy single.php code? I would like to have content from page builder and under it loop from regular archive page. Right now on category page editor I have regualr wordpress visual editor and I can create some text with images and under it I have regular loop with posts. This is almost perfect, I just need ALB :) So copying some code from single.php is ok? Od do you have code to include ALB to archive.php ?

    Thank you.
    Best regards



    I’m sorry but you cannot use the advance layout builder to edit the archive pages. It’s a different template file called archive.php file. Aside from editing the template file manually, another workaround is to create a page for each category, use the advance layout builder then do a 301 redirect. The following plugins should do the trick.


    Best regards,

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