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  • #1287031


    The Advanced Layer Slider – seemingly at random – disappears from the HOME page…it’s just a blank space.
    Today, I just added to various pages and did nothing out of the ordinary and it’s gone!
    Tomorrow, or in an hour, it might come back.

    I don’t even know where to begin analysing this.
    If I duplicate the layer slider, the duplicate doesn’t show, either.
    I’ve tried adding a new slider in…nothing.

    But it’ll randomly re-appear. And then maybe tomorrow, it’ll vanish again.


    Same here! sometimes it helps for a while to flush the cache… but it will randomly appear/disappear again.

    best, oliver


    I do have Nitro and, even flushing the cache doesn’t help. Frustrating when the Layer Slider is like THE intro to your site :/


    Hi troyeccles,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I tried to refresh the page multiple times but the slider always appear on my end.
    If the slider disappears again, can you try to right-click on any part of your site, select Inspect Element then click Console (tab) then take a screenshot and post it here (or you can put it in private content)

    Best regards,

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