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  • #182938

    Hi, I would very much appreciate some assistance on the site http://atlasdigital.se/masterjohan

    My client asked me what seemed like a simple question: “can you decrease the height of the image on the start page?”.

    But this seemed trickier than it should be. I’m using the media element Fullwidth Easy Slider, set to 1500×430 in size. Is there anyway we can have a fullwidth image that is responsive but smalller in height? I can’t see any options in the Fullwidth Easy Slider that fits. And if I use a standard “Image” media element, I get some extra padding which is not too nice. I also tried adding an image to a Color Section as background, since you could write some code in that element but I couldn’t get that to work either.

    – Any recommendations?


    Hi wieslander!

    You can try to install this plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/ and define a new thumbnail size (i.e. 1500x200px). Afterwards regenerate the thumbnails with: http://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/ and use the 1500×200 size instead of 1500×430 for the Easy Slider on the homepage.



    Hmm, ok. It seems tricky, but I’ll give it a shot. Thank you so much for your help!

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