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  • #1444847

    I am working on the first column of a four column footer.

    In this first column, I have a logo image at the top of the column followed by a text block. The space between the bottom of the logo and the top of the text block is too wide, and I would like to reduce it…likely by half. This is my first website build, and I am not a developer (i.e., I don’t know CSS code or anything); however, I was able to inspect the footer area and it appears that I am trying to adjust the margin space between the two elements (i.e., the logo and the text block).

    It looks like the margin is currently set to 30px. I would like it to be 15px. How do I do this and would it be the same process to change the spacing between any of the other elements in the other footer columns?

    Thank you!


    Hey craig374,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We may need to inspect the site in order to provide an appropriate solution. Please post the site URL in the private field. If you need to adjust the margin between the footer widgets, please try this css code:

    #footer .widget {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 10px 0 10px 0;

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Ismael. I think that may have answered my question, but please feel free to inspect the site. The url to one of the pages is below. You can inspect the foot, etc. I may want to tighten it up a bit more, but I assume that would involve simply changing the values in the code you provided.



    Thanks for the update and link. I’m not sure that I fully understand your intentions, could you post a screenshot highlighting them please?

    Best regards,


    Rikard, for some reason I am unable to post a screen shot. If you go to the link provided below and look at Column 1 of the footer, you will see the logo, then some white space, followed by some text. What you will see is how the image widget and text widget look after I inserted the code provided by Ismael.
    This is much better as the margin space between the image widget and text widget is reduced by about half. I assume that if I want to further reduce the space between the two elements, I can adjust the pixel amounts in the code snippet, but please take a look and let me know your thoughts. I assume that this margin adjustment process can be repeated to the extent needed in other columns, correct?

    Thank you!


    Rikard, I actually just inserted the screen shot you requested into the page as an image; so when you click the link provided, you will not only see the footer as it is, but you will also see the screen shot you asked for as an image on the page itself. Hope that is helpful.



    Thanks for that. Please try this CSS as well:

    #text-5 {
      margin: 0;

    That is specific for the text in the first column, while the CSS that Ismael sent applies to all widgets in the footer.

    Best regards,


    Perfect. Thank you! Question: If I found myself needing to add this same code to another footer column, what part of the code would I change to target a column different from the first one? If #text-5 is the first column, would #text-4 be the second column; #text-3 be the third, etc., etc?


    Typically this would be true, but if it doesn’t help please provide a link to the page so we can check.

    Best regards,


    Will do. Thank you.


    Shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I got what I needed. Will create a new thread in the future if anything else comes up.

    Thanks Mike.


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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