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  • #994289


    I added some fonts by use of the import interface during a time when the site was running at http without SSL. Then I moved to SSL and everything is set by hand or by redirection to https except the additionally loaded fonts. Then I decided to delete them by use of the enfold user interface. But the fonts are still selectable in the fonts parameter section. And they are still part of the font list which is tried to be loaded when the URL of the site is loaded by a browser. This leads to mixed content errors.

    How to get rid of the list of fonts which are already deleted???



    Hey Wynnphotodesign,

    Please create us an admin account and we’ll look into it.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Joerg,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. I’ll leave the thread open in case you should need any further problems on the topic.

    Best regards,

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