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  • #392585


    I’m looking to add some simple text to the header of my Enfold enabled (client) website.

    Ideally it would be a line under the social buttons.

    I did try adding a widget to the header like in the latest code snipet tutorial – thank you for that but it isn’t working for me for two reasons:

    It adds the widget after the main menu and I would like it at the top right corner, above the menu,
    It adds a lot of line breaks and the number “1”

    Any ideas on fixing this or work arounds?



    Hi Mycho!

    Did you follow this tutorial?

    You could edit header.php if you are running a child theme?



    We are having this same problem. Followed the linked tutorials exactly and it adds line breaks and a “1”. Please advise on how to fix this.



    Can you please post the link to your website please so we can see the issue?


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