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  • #441790

    I have an issue and a question. I found a thread that shows how to add a logo to the right side of a header. I have a bottom menu.

    I did this: open helper-main-menu.php file and find
    echo avia_logo(AVIA_BASE_URL.’images/layout/logo.png’, $addition, ‘strong’, true);
    and add your image right below it as following
    echo “<div class=’header-custom-image’></div>”;

    The image only displays when it is at around a tablet or mobile size, not at desktop, and it doesn’t look right.
    Someone had done this for me before and they created a child theme.

    Is that necessary and what would happen if I don’t do that and an enfold update comes out.


    Hi 118group!

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,

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    It’s going to be difficult to see what is wrong if the code is not on the page, would it be possible for you to put it back?

    If you are going to edit core theme files it is recommended to use a child theme, if not your changes will be overwritten on updates.


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