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  • #1104978

    How can an id be added to a button so that events can be tracked? The GA Scroll Events Plugin works well in all my instances and sends info to Google Analytics, except for two buttons. I’ve been able to use div tags to add id’s where the html is visible, but I can’t find a solution for these two buttons.

    I tried adding html code block before and after the button block on the contact page, but it made the two column layout break and change into a one column layout.


    read carefully even on top of that :

    for better advice i had to see a link and your two buttons you are talking about.


    Thank you, but the ‘For developers custom id” field does not show at all.
    Please see my previous note for the links and two buttons in question.


    i’m Participant as you – so i do not see any private content data.
    That field is there if you are using my edited alb element of the button.


    Thank you for trying to help! I appreciate it. I’m using the Button element. In Enfold theme options the box is checked for “Show element options for developers.” What is an “edited alb element of the button”?


    Him s,

    Please have a look at our docs here

    Well, I see the class field is available. You can have unique class names and use them instead of ids.

    Best regards,


    Edited ALB Elements: they are – as the name says – edited elements, which are extended by input fields. For example, I always missed the fact that I couldn’t determine the heading tag for iconboxes. All those ALB (advanced layout builder) Elements are all in the enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes folder and could be replaced by child-theme pendents.
    You can read here how to use them via child-theme:


    Hi m s,

    Please let us know if all the above suggestions worked for you or if you need more help?

    Best regards,


    Thank you, using the class worked for the two problem buttons!



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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