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  • #899220


    how can I add text in the breadcrumbs please in that way:

    Currently the breadcrumbs of the category & tag archive pages look like this:

    You are here: Home / Blog / XYZ

    It should be:

    You are here: Home / Blog / Category: XYZ

    XYZ is a category name; I would like to add “Category: ” before it, and at a tag archive “Tag: ”

    I searched in the class-breadcrumb.php in line 338 at
    /* Get the path to the term archive.

    And added “Category” and “Tag” like this:

    /* Get the path to the term archive. Use this to determine if a page is present with it. */
    			if ( is_category() )
    			//	$path = get_option( 'category_base' );
    				$path = 'Category ' . get_option( 'category_base' );
    			elseif ( is_tag() )
    			//	$path = get_option( 'tag_base' );
    				$path = 'Tag ' . get_option( 'tag_base' );
    			else {
    				if ( $taxonomy->rewrite['with_front'] && $wp_rewrite->front )
    					$path = trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->front );
    				$path .= $taxonomy->rewrite['slug'];

    But this has simply no effect, but I am not sure, if this is the right place and the right way of adding it, because my PHP is really bad.
    My site is not online yet, but I use simply the normal Avia Breadcrumbs, no YOAST breadcrumbs!

    Thanks for helping me out.


    Hey Chris,

    I found this thread that can help you:

    Best regards,
    John Torvik



    thanks, but as you can see at my code snippet above, I have already done this, see line 340 of my current class-breadcrump.php:

     /* Get the path to the term archive. Use this to determine if a page is present with it. */
                if ( is_category() )
                    $path = 'Thema ' . get_option( 'category_base' );
                elseif ( is_tag() )
                    $path = 'Schlagwort ' . get_option( 'tag_base' );
                else {
                    if ( $taxonomy->rewrite['with_front'] && $wp_rewrite->front )
                        $path = trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->front );
                    $path .= $taxonomy->rewrite['slug'];

    but in the breadcrumbs this does not appear! I use the newest version of ENFOLD & WP, and my site is not yet online!



    Thank you for the update.

    Please remove the modification. Use the following filter in the functions.php file instead.

    add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 );
    function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) {
    	if ( is_category() ) {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = 'Thema: ' . $trail['trail_end'];
    	elseif ( is_tag() ) {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = 'Schlagwort: ' . $trail['trail_end'];
    	else {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = $trail['trail_end'];
    	return $trail;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    sorry for the delay and thanks for your code snippet, but it does not work:
    it shows not the word “Thema” (= Category in English) in front of the category name,
    and not “Schlagwort” (= Tag in English) in front of a tag name.

    View post on

    do you have any modifications of your code?



    Thank you for the update. Please replace ‘trail_end’ with 2. Example.

    $trail[2] = 'Thema: ' . $trail[2];

    Best regards,


    Thanks, but where do I need to add your new line

    $trail[2] = 'Thema: ' . $trail[2];

    in this snippet

    add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 );
    function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) {
    	if ( is_category() ) {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = 'Thema: ' . $trail['trail_end'];
    	elseif ( is_tag() ) {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = 'Schlagwort: ' . $trail['trail_end'];
    	else {
    		$trail['trail_end'] = $trail['trail_end'];
    	return $trail;

    do you mean to replace every time the word “end” with “2”?
    Sorry for the stupid question, but I don’t know PHP very well :-(

    And how can I combine all this with the snippet from you, that I need so that it does not show “Blog” twice?
    “Blog” is shown twice on category and tag archive, in single post view it is okay.

    thank you



    Thank you for the update.

    Please use this filter instead. Remove the previous ones.

    add_filter( 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail', 'avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod', 50, 2 );
    function avia_breadcrumbs_trail_mod( $trail, $args ) {
            if ( is_archive() ) {
    	if ( is_category() ) {
    	     $trail[2] = 'Thema: ' . $trail[2];
    	elseif ( is_tag() ) {
    	    $trail[2] = 'Schlagwort: ' . $trail[2];
    	else {
    	    $trail[2] = $trail[2];
    	return $trail;

    Best regards,


    Works fine, thank you very much.


    Hi Gitte,

    Glad Ismael could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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