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  • #1307543

    Hi, This is a follow up to the thread below, creating a new one here because the thread is closed to replies:

    I’ve followed your instructions; the webfont appears in Chrome on Mac but not in Safari and Firefox. Could you please advise on how to get the font to appear in these other browsers?

    The font should apply to all headers. It’s the same as the one used in the logo.

    I’ve been troubleshooting in different ways but can’t figure it out. The font downloads fine as a file and the syntax seems to be right (please let me know if not!).

    Thank you so much for your advice!


    Hi designyvr,

    Can you try to follow the solution posted on this thread:
    Since you already have the WOFF file, you can use that to convert to other formats.
    Hope this helps and just let us know if there are instructions that might not be clear.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you so much for your advice! I did the conversions as you recommended and see that the font is mostly working in Safari and Firefox, thank you!

    The font is working when I choose it in Advanced Styling (H1, H2, H3). However, for some items like the buttons and the image text overlay, it’s not showing, even though I’ve specified it in the Quick CSS. I’ve included the Quick CSS below.

    For the buttons, I’ve specified the webfont in the Advanced CSS as well, and that’s not showing.

    Could you please advise on how I can get the font showing for those areas (and other areas of the site that are not available through Advanced Styling)?

    Thank you very much Nikko!


    Hi designyvr,

    You’re welcome :)
    I have checked your site and I could see the font rendering properly (please see the screenshot on my end in private content).

    Best regards,


    Thanks Nikko!

    Yes, the font is rendering properly in some places. In those places, I’ve selected the font within Advanced CSS (H1, H2, H3, for example).

    There are some areas that are not rendering properly. I’ve included a screenshot with those areas circled in red in the Private Data area. These are showing a different font form the Webfont.

    I tried selecting the font for some of these areas in Advanced CSS, but it’s not working.

    For some areas that are not updated through Advanced CSS, such as the image overlay text, how I can update the webfont in the CSS?

    Thank you so much Nikko!


    Hi designyvr,

    I see, the one that was rendering is the Poiret One font.
    I tried to grab the botanica font in the Media Library and re-uploaded it but it does not seem to do anything as well.
    Another thing I did was to create a simple HTML file and use the botanica font but it’s not working, I believe the font files maybe partially corrupted.
    Can you give us the original font file, you can upload it in the Media Library and we’ll get it from there or you can upload it in then post the link in private content.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your message Nikko!

    Media Library would not allow the upload, so I tried your suggestion. Please see the private content area.

    I look forward to your advice!


    Hi designyvr,

    Thanks, I have re-uploaded the font.
    Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko, Thanks for doing that!

    There are some elements in Advanced Styling section where I’ve chosen the font, but it’s not showing.

    For example, the Menu Links in overlay/slide out and buttons are not showing the font. How can we get the font to show?

    For some areas that are not updated through Advanced CSS, such as the image overlay text, how I can update the webfont in the CSS? I have specified using the font in the Quick Styles, but they are not showing there either.

    I’ve included the previous screenshot to point out these items, hope this helps!

    Thank you for your thoughts Nikko!


    Hi designyvr,

    I have made some changes in your site.
    In Advanced Styling, I added the Botanica font in Main Menu Links.
    Please review your site and let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    THANK YOU Nikko!!! Thank you so much for your expertise and your help, the font looks fantastic!! I highly appreciate it, you’re the best!!


    Hi designyvr,

    We’re glad that we could help :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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