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  • #1209380

    [av_layout_row border


    Sorry, that got messed up!

    I have listened to the official YouTube video on Grid Row and understood it, but don’t understand how to add second (or third) row to the grid row element.

    Could you give me some screen shots for where to click and go?
    Usually ALB is intuitive, but this one I’m lost on.
    Sure it’s simple and obvious…just not to me.
    Thanks for your help.


    Quick — do I use clone? This clones row, not the entire element?
    If that’s true, I don’t necessarily need screen shot, just affirmative!


    And, if you have two rows…both with ce;;s 1/2 – 1/4 – 1/4 — is there a way to merge the two 1/2 cells.

    i.e., can I have two row gridrow element with the first half one single TALL row?

    (i.e., the half would actually be 2-rows tall?)



    I’m not sure I understand your intentions, could you post a link to where we can see the actual element and try to explain a bit further please?

    Best regards,


    Say I have 3 cells in a row. I want to add another row to same grid.

    So…then I would have TWO rows.

    I can’t figure out in alb how to add that second row.

    Could you show screenshot of where I add a row?
    I can see how to add a cell or resize a cell.
    But…where to add a row?

    Ignore any other questions. This is my main concern.

    Thank you!


    Hi CharlieTh,

    It’s not possible for two gridrows to stack however it’s possible to have a gridrow and inside it are the 1/2 and 1/4 columns in the content layout.
    As for adding a cell to gridrow, there’s an Add Cell button on the lower right edge of the gridrow.
    As for setting the size there’s a Set Cell Size button just beside the Add Cell button.

    Best regards,


    If I understand correctly, you’re saying there is NOT a GRID that includes rows…there are individual rows, period.

    And…you obtain those individual rows by adding another element of the gridrow (or cloning an already existing gridrow).

    That’s why you can’t have background for entire GRID, just ROW, right?


    Hi CharlieTh,

    Yes, that’s correct, to have a new row, it basically means adding a new Grid Row.
    As for the background for the entire Grid Row I’m not really sure about the reason why it’s not added maybe because there’s already an option to add it in each column also preventing the theme from bloating, but I think adding a background for it can be added if there are people who needs that option.

    Best regards,

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