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  • #1311948

    what do I have to do to center a second logo / image element (2) next to the actual logo (1)? (see screenshop)
    The logo / image element (2) should then be under the logo (1) on the mobile devices …

    Best regards


    Hi Andreas,

    You could add the second image in a widget in the header: We can help you out with styling, once you have added it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I put the code in the function.php.
    Now I want the picture with the logos to be centered next to the main logo. (see screenshot2)

    In the mobile view, the image with the logos should then be displayed centered under the main logo. (see screenshot3)

    How then does the CSS code have to be written?

    Thank you in advance for the help!

    Best regards


    Hi Andreas,

    We would have to inspect the element in question to be able to give you accurate CSS. It looks like your front page is password protected, please post the password in private.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    The website is still under construction and is therefore password protected.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for that. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
    #media_image-2 {
        position: absolute;
        top: -145px;
        right: 15%;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .responsive #top .av_mobile_menu_tablet #header_main_alternate {
        display: block;
        height: 130px;
    #header_main_alternate .main_menu {
        display: none;
    #media_image-2 {
        top: 0;
        right: 37%;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your help!
    It works with the desktop view, but not with the iPad and smartphone. Here the widget is not centered with the picture and a second burger menu appears …?!

    It should look like Screenshot3 …


    what kind of header setting do you have?
    Logo left – nav below ?


    … no, logo center, nav below.

    Best regards,


    And besides that logo you like to have a second one ?
    What should happen with the second logo – when the screen width is narrowed?
    Do you use a shrinking header ?


    No, I don’t use a shrinking header and yes, I would like to display manufacturer logos in addition to the main logo. (see screenshots in previous posts)

    On mobile devices, the manufacturer’s logos should then appear centered under the main logo …


    sorry no screenshot for me – i’m participant as you are.


    besides Autohaus Groh ?
    i see them ( Audi, Renault, Daccia, etc. ) in both screenshots under the logo.
    Autohaus Groh is an SVG ( on the current page ) – so why not use a whole SVG as an inline SVG logo.
    each logo has its own group within the svg – then you can comfortably resize, move or hide the individual logos via media-query.

    PS : why are there two burger menu?


    … no, the logos are not SVG graphics but PNG files. It should be like screenshot3, so no second burger for viewing on tablet and smartphone.
    The manufacturer logos VW, Renault, Dacia should be used as a complete PNG file, not individually!
    Screenshot4 shows how it shouldn’t be, i.e. current state. That happens with the CSS code that Rikard gave me.


    schicke mir mal bitte den Zugang – wenn es nicht öffentlich geht – gerne auch via E-Mail ( kontaktdaten sind unter dem Avatar oder Nick zu finden)

    Auf der Original Seite ist das Logo ein svg file ( bei dem sogar der slogan noch vorhanden ist.

    man könnte das Ganze auch ohne header widget machen, und es über ein Filter mit einsetzen.
    Es würde dann sogar Teil im Logo container sein und so zB das Shrinken mit machen

    function kriesi_logo_addition($sub){
      $sub .= '<img class="second-logo" src="PATH_TO_SECOND_LOGO" alt="Logo 2" />';
      return $sub;
    add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition');

    siehe hier :
    nachdem du das gesehen hast nehme ich es aber wieder raus.
    und hier schiebe mal dein Browserfenster zusammen und schau was aus dem Groh Logo wird.
    So kann man innerhalb eines svg das Aussehen steuern:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    Super… ich schreib dir gleich ne Email mit dem Zugang :)
    Ja genau so wollte ich es eigentlich haben. Die Firmenlogos sollen im gleichen Container stehen und bei den mobilen Ansichten im “Portrait-Format” sich einfach zentriert unter das Logo “Autohaus Groh” anordnen.

    Und du hast natürlich Recht. Bei der aktuellen Seite ist das Logo eine SVG-Datei :)
    Diese Seite wird dann aber ersetzt…

    Vorab Merci !!!!!



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,


    I can solve the problem. Many thanks to Rikard and Guenni … :-)



    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution, and thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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