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  • #1415174

    Customer wants to add a phone number between logo and menu, not on top bar.
    How can I do that”


    Hey buddy1,
    I would recommend using a header widget, please see our documentation: Adding a header widget area there are links to many examples in the documentation, such as this one.

    Best regards,


    what is your header setting? Logo left menu right … ?


    Logo left Menu right, would like to have phone number in the middle


    Added header widget and added phone number but don’t see any change. Is there another way to do it?


    It looks like you forgot Step 1: Activate header widget area I added the code for you in your WP Code plugin, you had also named your widget area incorrectly, it needed to match the function, so I corrected it for you.
    I also didn’t see any css for the header widget, so I added it for you for the Logo left, Widget center, Menu right
    Now it shows please check and adjust the css to suit your needs.

    Best regards,


    hallo mike – what widget area hook did you use?
    i have found that with a shrinking header it can be advantageous to do it using ava_after_main_menu.


    Thank you Mike, I never would have gotten that done. I really do appreciate your help.
    thanks again,


    Thanks Guenni007 that is the hook in the documentation that I used.
    Glad we were able to help buddy1, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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