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  • #992907

    Hello, I’m trying to add some image sizes to the child template. But I get error 500. Can you tell me what part of this code would be needed in child? (Private Content)

    Today (Private Content) is on the parent theme.


    Hi, there s no way to register additional image thumbnail sizes on child template?


    Hi carolin,

    What error text are you getting?

    Best regards,


    Server error 500 when i add this to the child.
    I think its beacuse is the same class of the parent.

    i just want add this 3 image size on the child.
    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘materia’] = array(‘width’=>710, ‘height’=>400 ); // Imagem materia
    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘r7-imagem’] = array(‘width’=>660, ‘height’=>360 ); // Imagem r7
    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘veja-mais’] = array(‘width’=>157, ‘height’=>112 ); // veja-mais

    Shouldn’t I be getting one error?
    if so, I must have made some other mistake.



    Hi emanar,

    I was asking you to check the error log.

    Here is how to find it:

    No, you shouldn’t unless there is a syntax error.

    Best regards,

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