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  • #1460030

    i would like to use this google font with enfold theme:
    “Zen Kaku Gothic New”
    how can I import the font into Enfold so that I do not violate the GDPR regulations and the font is loaded directly from Enfold instead of from the Google server?
    kind regards


    loading the font from Google is not GDPR compliant – hosting the font on your own servers is.
    but this is from performance point of view a heavy font: even the woff files will have for each font-weight over 1.1MB
    Try it yourself via Enfold – Import/Export – Custom Font Manager – and upload that zip file :
    only light, regualar and bold are inside ( there is on google black and medium inside – but see comment above)
    You can find those uploaded fonts then under General Styling – Fonts (Tab) at the end of the list inside :

    if you want to hamper google font loading via Enfold from google pages – paste this to your child-theme functions.php:

    function my_output_google_webfonts_script( $activate ){
      return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_output_google_webfonts_script', 'my_output_google_webfonts_script', 10, 1 );

    PS: if you got a CDN Server – then it might be better to load it from their servers.

    But how to write with that font-face i do not know – how do you choose your letters:

    This reply has been marked as private.

    sorry – no private Content for me – you had to wait til mods are here.


    Thank you very much Guenni!!!
    kind regards Jak


    Thanks for helping Guenni007.
    Jak73, if you follow Guenni007 instructions it should work for you, I assume that you have this sort out, if not let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike und Guenni,
    i’ll try that. Thanks for your reply!
    Kind regards Jak

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Seems to work when I try:
    Enfold Support 6235
    see the link below. But see Guenni007 post about using Transfonter here where he points out that the Font Kit Generator from FontSquirrel does not support the font family option.

    Best regards,


    And have a look at Hanken Font – you can use the variable font then only 136kb are used for all font-weights


    I just saw, that my collected font is not used in my widget text in the footer.
    How can i change the font-family globaly?
    I allready chosed the font in advanced styling, but it seems not every area of the website is using it?
    kind regards

    p.s. same for my footer and my menu. It’s still not using the selected font from advanced styling?

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Jak73.

    The first address to change is on General Styling – Fonts (Tab)


    Yes, right. I ment general styling, but it seems, it’s not effecting my site globally?


    These are the settings that apply to the entire website – if you achieve different results, there must be inline settings or special CSS rules that override these global rules.
    F.e. on “Advanced Styling”

    you should not use lighter or bolder on css setting. try light or bold or even better 300, 700 etc.

    or look at your css:

    body#top{font-weight:lighter;font-family: 'work sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}

    Hi Guenni,
    i found it. Did not see before, that there are also settings in the advanced settings.
    Many thanks for your help.
    Tomorrow i’l check the font you suggested. Will proberbly take it.
    kind regards


    Half-Time in Cologne ;)

    we could talk about using the HankenGrotesk Variable font – to have a good fallback solution it might be good to have those static font in the background.
    Enfold even supports those varible fonts
    see here on firefox developer tools how they can be used:

    here are both zip files for download:

    HankenGrotesk and HankenGrotesk-Variable

    The trick will be to have for modern browsers the variable font and for those not supporting variable fonts the static one.

    The crux is to activate on general settings the static font – and then have this in your child-theme quick css to force for all browser the variable font:

    @supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
      :root {
        --enfold-font-family-body: 'hankengrotesk-variable',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
      body.roboto {
        font-family:'hankengrotesk-variable'  !important;
      #top .title_container .main-title,
      tr.pricing-row td,
      #top .portfolio-title,
      .callout .content-area,
      .avia-big-box .avia-innerbox,
      .html_elegant-blog #top .minor-meta,
      #av-burger-menu-ul li {
        font-family: 'hankengrotesk-variable' !important;

    Hi Guenni, the video seems to be private?


    try again – the link was wrong


    Looks interesting. I have to speak to a friend about changing the font. He has to give me his ok for that. I’ll ask him, if he knows, that the font contains chinese letters. Yes, this Hanken font looks very similar. I’ll take a deep look in it tomorrow.
    Thank you Guenni!
    kind regards Jak


    the variable regular font of hankengrotesk got 60kb !
    loog to those other fonts with over 1MB ! This comes from all the non latin fonts in there.
    Think of your performance of the website.


    Yes, you are absolutely right.
    I allready sad this to my friend. I’ll talk to him tomorrow and will proberbly change this then tomorrow.
    He will proberbly agree…


    and by the way – do not upload the font-weights one by one – just create a font-family and zip that to upload – like here on my downloads:

    see here in action on all headings.


    click to enlarge:


    But The font does not seem to load completely when only the Latin fonts are used. At least it does not seem to load as slowly as the file size of the upload would suggest.


    Hi Guenni,
    the speed of loading this font is interesting. I send the font you suggested to my friend and he is going to decide tomorrow.
    kind regards


    Got it.
    kind regards Jak

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Jak73.
    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Jak73.

    Glad Guenni007 could help, thank you Guenni007, shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    yes, thank you.
    kind regards

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