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  • #871630

    Hi everybody,
    what I’d like to do is something like that:

    To do that I need to add a data-background-color to divs dynamically (from the visual composer).
    Is it possible?

    Thanks and sorry for my bad english :)


    Hey marcomila,

    I’m sure it would be possible, but that would be out of scope for theme support unfortunately. Also, we don’t support Visual Composer.

    Best regards,


    Hi, i said visual composer, it was a mistake. I mean avia builder. Not possible?



    Most things are possible and I’m sure you could get it in some way, maybe using jQuery? What I’m trying to say is that it would be a custom solution and that is not covered by theme support. If you should need help implementing such a function then we recommend that you contact Codable.

    Best regards,

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