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  • #514278


    I’ve created custom taxonomy with a plugin “taxonomy manager” and I have a problem with adding a custom term below the date on posts list.
    I’ve tried several solutions but none of them had worked.
    Does someone know how to do ?

    Thank your for helping !


    Hey atelierssud!

    What happens when the default theme is activated? Try deactivating all of your other plugins as well.



    I have this custom terms:

    <div class=”custom-item”>Source : <?php
    $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post->ID, ‘type-source’);
    if(!is_wp_error( $terms )){

    foreach($terms as $term){
    echo ‘slug, ‘type-source’).'”>’.$term->name.’ ‘;

    ?> </div>

    For add this custom category in via magazine i tried change line 583 for this code:

    $output .= “<div class=’av-magazine-content-wrap’>”;
    $output .= “<header class=’entry-content-header’>”;
    $output .= “<time class=’av-magazine-time updated’ {$markupTime}>”.$time.”</time>”;
    $output .= $separator.$author_output;
    $output .= “<{$titleTag} class=’av-magazine-title entry-title’ {$markupTitle}>{$title}</{$titleTag}>”;
    $output .= “</header>”;
    if($excerpt)$output .= “<div class=’av-magazine-content entry-content’ {$markupContent}>{$excerpt}</div>”;
    $output .= “</div>”;
    $output .= “<footer class=’entry-footer’></footer>”;
    $output .= “</article>”;

    return $output;

    It’s not good!

    Best regards,



    It would probably be best to contact the plugin author or hire a freelancer to help you out with this customization.

    Best regards,

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