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  • #1403116

    I am looking for a solution to make small changes to the news widget and show a category instead of the time, while using a child theme.
    Previous solutions, where the code from the widget could be copied into the child-themes functions.php, produce an error.
    Any tipps on how to resolve that?

    Best regrads,


    Thank you for your patience, the file to edit to add the categories to the Latest News widget is:
    on line 219 (v5.5) look for:
    echo '<strong class="news-headline">' . get_the_title();
    below this add:

    echo '<br />';
    $cats = get_the_category();
    foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    echo '<span class = "widget_latest_category">'.$cat->cat_name.'</span> ';

    If you don’t want the date to show place two slashes before the line echo '<span class="news-time">' . get_the_time( $time_format ) . '</span>'; like this: //echo '<span class="news-time">' . get_the_time( $time_format ) . '</span>';
    Typically files in the /framework/ directory can not be added to a child theme and copying the function directly to the child theme functions.php was not successful.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    thanks for the reply. Is there a way to make these changes update-proof?



    There is probably a way to do it via child theme, – but because of the dependency of Portfoliobox to Newsbox it is a bit too complicated to give it out quickly. I’ll stay tuned!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    btw: to set a different source image for the newsbox / portfoliobox you can add that snippet to child-theme functions.php:
    ( you have to look what index your widgets get )

    function my_avf_newsbox_image_size( $image_size, array $args, array $instance ){
      if( $args['widget_id'] == ( 'portfoliobox-3' || 'newsbox-2' || 'newsbox-4' ) ){
        $image_size = 'square';
      return $image_size;
    add_filter( 'avf_newsbox_image_size', 'my_avf_newsbox_image_size', 10, 3 );

    now for the example above you can now enlarge the thumbnail via quick css:

    .news-thumb img {
      width: 100px;
      height: 100px;

    see: at the footer widgets


    @Mike – please generate a Portfolio-Widget – what do you see there ?



    See file :

    At the bottom you have the code to paste into function.php of your child theme:

     * Snippet to replace Newsbox widget with your custom Newsbox widget
     * @since 5.5
    function custom_avf_widget_loader_widget_classes_newsbox( array $default_widgets )
    	$namespace = '\\aviaFramework\widgets\\';
    	// Create a folder widgets in enfold-child:     enfold-child/widgets
    	$path = trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory() ) . 'widgets/';
    	// Replace link to original file with your child theme modified newsbox widget
    	$default_widgets['newsbox'] = array(
    												'class'	=> $namespace . 'avia_newsbox',
    												'file'	=> $path . 'class-avia-newsbox.php'
    	return $default_widgets;
    add_filter( 'avf_widget_loader_widget_classes', 'custom_avf_widget_loader_widget_classes_newsbox', 10, 1 );

    This is a modified newsbox widget with the categories:

    Put this file in folder enfold-child/widgets.

    It will replace the original newsbox.

    If you need help please provide ftp access and we can do it for you.

    Best regards,


    yes – perfect – not as amateurish as my approach ;)
    I would not have come up with get_the_terms.

    Thanks alot!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Guenni007.

    Awesome, thanks a lot. I will give this a try!



    I uploaded an optimized version:

    If you replace line 64:

    $this->use_blog_meta_settings = false;


    $this->use_blog_meta_settings = true;

    then theme options blog layout settings are used to show/hide categories and time

    Best regards,





    Next release will have improved settings for some widgets in core.

    Best regards,


    Awesome! Thank you so much.

    PS: This can be closed


    Great !

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