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  • #29658

    Hey there Gentlemen,

    Wondering – how can we add a caption to an image element? If there is some way to already do this, I won’t add it to feature request. If not, I’ll add it to the list.



    You can do it if you know some HTML, you can use the figure + figcaptions elements, and then apply some CSS, an image with a caption would look like this:

    <figure><img /><figcaption>Hola</figcaption></figure>




    Hey Joshue,

    Thanks for the reply.

    How would this apply to the image element though. There are no fields available for adding extra html. I have added the css class field for some styling..that is it. I highly recommend this be an included feature. For now, I will add an additional text element below it.


    Hi zerozendesign,

    The only way I can think of is to use a slideshow element for the single image instead and then add your image into the slideshow where you can put the caption on it.

    As long as its only a single image there is no actual slideshow effect.




    Thanks Devin – a bit of a janky workaround – but….it should work non-the-less.

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