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  • #1443288

    please use this link screen resolution and tell us what your sreen size is so we can try to adjust this for you.

    Best regards,


    Screen Resolution Test:
    1920 x 1080

    Screen Width: 1920 pixels
    Screen Height: 1080 pixels
    DPR(Device Pixel Ratio): 1
    Color depth: 24 bits per pixel


    Thank you for your patience I changed this css:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
        .av-logo-container .inner-container {
            display: flex;
            flex-direction: row-reverse;
        @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
            /* Add your Desktop Styles here */ .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
                width: 100%;
                min-width: 500px;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget {
            display: flex;
            order: 3;
            flex-basis: 80%;
            right: -15%;
            top: -5%;
        #header_main > .widget {
            display: none;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
            width: 100%;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform .ajax_search_response {
            background-color: #fff;
            z-index: 3;
        .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit] {
            background-color: #da291c;
            color: #fff;
        .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit]:hover {
            background-color: #da291c;
            color: #fff;
        #top #header.header_color .widget input[type=text] {
            border-color: ebebeb;
            border-radius: 3px;
        #top #header.header_color .widget #searchsubmit {
            border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
        #top #header.header_color .widget #searchform #searchsubmit {
            font-size: 16px;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container #menu-item-shop {
            display: flex;
            order: 2;

    to this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    	#header_main > .widget {
    	display: none;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) and (max-width: 1439px) {
      .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 500px;
      .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget {
    	display: flex;
        order: 3;
        flex-basis: 65%;
        right: -15%;
        top: -5%;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1440px) { 
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget {
            display: flex;
            order: 3;
            flex-basis: 80%;
            right: -15%;
            top: -5%;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 380%;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
    .av-logo-container .inner-container {
    	display: flex;
        flex-direction: row-reverse;
    #header_main > .widget {
    	display: none;
    .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
    	 width: 100%;
    .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform .ajax_search_response {
    	background-color: #fff;
        z-index: 3;
    .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit] {
        background-color: #da291c;
        color: #fff;
    .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit]:hover {
        background-color: #da291c;
        color: #fff;
      #top #header.header_color .widget input[type=text] {
    	border-color: ebebeb;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    #top #header.header_color .widget #searchsubmit {
        border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
    #top #header.header_color .widget #searchform #searchsubmit {
     	font-size: 16px;
    .av-logo-container .inner-container #menu-item-shop {
    	display: flex;
        order: 2;

    to update your live site copy your snippet named “header widget placement css” to your live site.

    Best regards,


    Great thank you! What of that new code could be modifed to shrink the search width down a bit and align it right, away from the logo, but still just left of the cart icon? Thanks again!


    Scratch that, I think I got it above 1440px. The issue seems to be the ajax dropdown goes offscreen…


    shall we close this thread then?

    Best regards,


    Sorry my last reply did not go through. The ajax dropdown results go offscreen to the right, and the view all search results can be hard to see on hover and possibly cut off on the right as well.


    I’m not experiencing this at 1920 x 1080, what screen resolution do you see this?
    Please see the screenshot in the Private Content area of of what I see.

    Best regards,


    Yes that is my resolution and that is what I see, the bleed off the screen to the right. And the view all search results can be hard to see on hover and possibly cut off on the right as well.


    Thank you for your patience, I made some adjustments, this is the css now:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    	#header_main > .widget {
    	display: none;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) and (max-width: 1439px) {
      .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform {
        width: 100%;
        min-width: 500px;
      .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget {
    	display: flex;
        order: 3;
        flex-basis: 65%;
        right: -15%;
        top: -5%;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1440px) { 
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget {
            display: flex;
            order: 3;
            flex-basis: 65%;
            right: 0;
            top: -5%;
        .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget > search {
    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {
    .av-logo-container .inner-container {
    	display: flex;
        flex-direction: row-reverse;
    #header_main > .widget {
    	display: none;
    .av-logo-container .inner-container .widget #searchform .ajax_search_response {
    	background-color: #fff;
        z-index: 3;
    .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit] {
        background-color: #da291c;
        color: #fff;
    .header_color #search-6 input[type=submit]:hover {
        background-color: #da291c;
        color: #fff;
      #top #header.header_color .widget input[type=text] {
    	border-color: ebebeb;
    	border-radius: 3px;
    #top #header.header_color .widget #searchsubmit {
        border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
    #top #header.header_color .widget #searchform #searchsubmit {
     	font-size: 16px;
    .av-logo-container .inner-container #menu-item-shop {
    	display: flex;
        order: 2;

    please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike. I made some slight modifications to this, but I think this works. The only thing is that the “View all reseults” turns gray with a gray background on hover. If there is any small CSS change for that I’d love to see it. Also, is this creating a bigger gap below the main menu bar and sending content further down the page to start as the example page shows? Thanks!

    • This reply was modified 9 months ago by Illingco.

    Try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field to keep the “View all reseults” the same color on hover, or adjust to suit:

    .av_ajax_search_entry.av_ajax_search_entry_view_all:hover {
    	color: var(--enfold-header-color-primary);

    I don’t see any gap created by the ajax search results widget please upload a screenshot demonstrating the error so we can understand better.

    Best regards,

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