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  • #929806

    WP & Enfold latest version. My Cutomer told me that round about 1 month ago the accordion toggle doesnt work anymore.
    You can visit the page here:
    (see the private content)
    Steps I have already taken:
    -flush the cache
    -flush the server side cache
    -deactivate the plugins
    -reinstall the theme
    -reinstall the WP version
    -remake the accordion


    Hey volmering,

    Can you also give us ftp access? and permission to deactivate all plugins just to isolate the issue.

    Best regards,





    Thanks for giving us ftp access and permission to deactivate plugins. It’s fixed now, the issue was the main menu url/links having spaces.
    Let us know if you need further assistance :)

    Best regards,


    hey nikko, very cool. and thanks. but do you have an example of the “url with spaces” i dont really know what u mean



    The examples are the link on your mega menus which I have replaced for example Unser Sportangebot has this link: #unser%20sportangebot which causes js errors, I just replaced it to #.

    Best regards,


    ah ok, i saw it now and told my customer already. thx nikko. can be closed :-)



    Glad we could help!
    Please take a moment to review our theme and show your support
    To know more about enfold features please check –
    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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