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  • #1405709

    Hello support,
    I have a site that I need to complete built with a theme I’m not happy about therefore I would like to replace this theme with Enfold, provided I can get the desired results.

    I’m setting up Enfold and starting to make first pages (saved in draft) using Theme Switcha plugin.

    As I’m not a professional, I solved some problems by reading the topics and the faq but
    I need some help on some parts because I can’t find the options.

    1. Accordion: a) I set the toggle in H2 and I saw that the separators disappeared (Photo1 and Photo2) how can I get them back?
    b) I would like to remove the “+” symbol and align all the text to the left as per photo1 (as in the current site
    2. Portfolio grid: a) I would like to eliminate the line around the photographs and text (Photo3) and align the text to the left (as in the current site,
    b) I would like to eliminate the circle element on the photos leaving only the transparency of the photo (Photo4)
    3. Heading: I can’t make the logo smaller, I used a 110 x 24 px SVG file,(Photo5) I would like it to be like the current site . I tried in Enfold Child > Theme Options > Header > Shrinking Amount, but nothing changes
    4. Optional question, do you have any suggestions on how to switch from one theme to another?


    Hey Intercettazioni,
    Thanks for the links to your pages, but it doesn’t look like Enfold is activated and while you mention about photos we should see to understand the issues, I don’t see these photos.
    Your site seems to be using the plugins elementor and VC composer, these are not compatible with Enfold, which uses it’s own built-in page builder.
    There is not an easy way to convert these page builders the Enfold Advanced Layout Builder (ALB).
    I recommend creating a clean WordPress install with only Enfold installed and then create your site, we can help with many customizations with our elements, but there may be some situations were there won’t be a one for one replacement for a elementor or VC composer element.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I have installed Enfold and Enfold Child and I’m using a plugin called Theme Switcha. This plugin keeps my current theme active and in the background I can work with Enfold, in fact I have already configured the theme and I am creating the first pages.
    I can’t afford to black out the current site, therefore I have to continue with this helpful plugin.

    Best regard

    This reply has been marked as private.

    To add a screenshot please try using an Screenshot service and pasting the image URL in your post.
    I have not used the plugin before so I don’t know how it works, but when I check your site it don’t look like Enfold is active and the elements don’t seem to be Enfold elements.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, please also like to the pages where we can see each of these elements, for example, I can’t seem to find this element:
    and this product is using the elementor plugin so it looks like the way you want the enfold product to look ▸
    but to help you with these customizations we need to see the enfold product page.

    Best regards,


    This is the Enfold page:
    I want it to look like this

    This is the Enfold page:
    I want it to look like this:



    Thanks for the feedback and the screenshots of your Enfold pages, this will help us identify the changes you are looking to make, please also link to the actual Enfold pages so we can examine the elements and help.
    If it is not possible to view the Enfold version of the page unless it is activated in the Theme Switcha plugin, then also take some screenshots of the desired final result for the pages and activate the Enfold theme so we can examine the elements to determine the needed css.

    Best regards,


    As I already wrote, unfortunately I can’t activate the Enfold theme until all pages are ready, because I can’t deactivate the current theme and closedown the online site. I wonder if it is possible to make the changes based on the screenshots.

    1 – Accordion: a) I set the toggle in H2 (Accordion – Advanced – Toggle Title tag – H2) and I saw that the separators disappeared. How can I get them back?
    b) I would like to remove the “+” symbol and align all the text to the left

    2- Portfolio grid: a) I would like to eliminate the line around the pictures and pictures title text and align the text to the left

    This is the Enfold page:
    I want it to look like this:



    Thanks for the feedback, it would be difficult to try to offer css solutions based only on images, please check your webhost to see if you have the one click staging site option, this is a option in most cPanels to create a staging clone of your site so we can test on it and your live site will stay up and running. You can always ask your webhost to help you with setting this up if you want.
    Here are some screenshots of what it would look like:
    Most webhosts offer this option but it may look difficult on your webhost.

    Best regards,


    Could you please tell me if this solution is suitable: I have a domain that I use to test the solutions when I have doubts, I installed Enfold and recreated the same pages that I would like to modify on the original site, I left the credentials for you in the private content. The page to edit for now is: Pages -> A-Simple Page Portfolio Grid

    1 – Accordion: a) I set the toggle in H2 (Accordion – Advanced – Toggle Title tag – H2) and I saw that the separators disappeared. How can I get them back?
    b) I would like to remove the “+” symbol and align all the text to the left (examples Enfold Page1

    2- Portfolio grid: a) I would like to eliminate the line around the pictures and pictures title text and align the text to the left (examples Enfold Page1 – Enfold Page2

    You can see a sample result at:

    3 – Heading: I can’t make the logo smaller, I used a 110 x 24 px SVG file. I would like to make it smaller

    4 – I uploaded new photos (Ex: Galaxy A53 spy phone – S22 spy phone) of size 500x500px like the existing ones (Ex: COFDM 5×5 – Samsung 5×5) The new uploaded photos are displayed smaller (actually resized rectangular while they are squared), why?


    Thanks for the test page, for #1 try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    .togglecontainer.av-minimal-toggle .single_toggle {
        border-bottom: solid 1px #D3D3D3;
    .togglecontainer.av-minimal-toggle .single_toggle .toggler {
        padding-left: 0;
    .togglecontainer.av-minimal-toggle .single_toggle .toggle_icon {
        display: none;

    Please ensure to copy the code from the forum and not an email notification so the symbols are not converted.
    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.
    For #2:

    .grid-sort-container .grid-entry .inner-entry {
        box-shadow: none;
    .grid-sort-container .grid-entry .grid-content {
        padding-left: 0;

    For #3:

    .logo.avia-svg-logo img, .logo.avia-svg-logo svg {
    	max-width: 110px;

    For #5 when I check the product images in the grid it follows the 400×495 aspect ratio and shows at 254×205, it is smaller than the 400×495 that you choose to show in the element settings because you are showing 4 columns and there is not enough room to show the images at that size since your max container width is 1200px

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike,
    I’ve tried and almost everything works. I would like to have left alignment also for the text inside the accordion.
    One last request, is it possible to remove the circle symbol on the images when the mouse passes over, and leave only the blurring of the images?
    For #5, the images loaded are all with the same width and heigth, it’s the rendered height that is different. The new images (loaded recently) are shorter in height, I tried to replace some newer images with old ones (loaded in past months) and they look squared. Very strange.


    To remove the left padding in the toggles try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    #top .av-minimal-toggle .toggle_content {
        padding: 12px 35px 11px 0;

    To remove the icon from the linked images go to Enfold Theme Options ▸ Advanced Styling and enable Linked Image Overlay then choose No Icon

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike everything works


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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